Monday, July 8, 2013

Neglected Temples of Bengal : (1) Baneswar Shiv Temple

Baneswar Shiv Temple

Probably the best example of Terracotta work on Temple walls in Kolkata is Baneswar Shiv Temple built by Banamali Sarkar. Situated at 2/5, Banamali Sarkar Street in Kumartuli, this south facing temple has a single entrance and eight roofed (Atchala). Its original entrance has been blocked by a wall built later. Thus ruining the lower part of the Terracotta plaques .However, a part of the three rows of terracotta  plaques places on the curved cornice still exists in dilapidated condition.

The wall above the original entrance carries few slim plaques carrying multiplication signs placed in a curved horizontal row. At both ends of the curved cornice are placed a peacock holding snake with its beak. The next row has a row of plaques in the form of twisted rope. Notwithstanding the massive size of the temple, its height is proportional to its area coverage.  

(Info: Temple Architecture by Tarapada Santra)

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