Monday, July 8, 2013

Neglected Temples of Bengal : (2) Rameswar Shiv Temple

Rameswar Shiv Temple, Shovabazar

Builders of most of the 18th century big eight-roofed temples were very rich. One such specimen of Undistorted form of traditional atchala temple stands at 51, Nandaram  Sen Street, Shovabazar.

The Temple carries five stone plaques. Two stone tablets at the entrance of the temple carry the inscription which reads: “Bengali San 1061 date 30 Chaitra” i.e. 1655 A.D. Sri Purna Chandra De mentions that this date is erratic. It has been estimated from the architectural point of view that the temple had been built sometimes around mid 18th century.

(From the book “Temple Architecture of Kolkata” by Tarapada Santra)

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